Reach out here

Let's talk about
what matters

Speak up! Be heard, your voice, your messages matter

I was once an ambitious, high performing woman who worked in corporate for 10+ years. I just couldn't ignore the gaping hole that was my lack of a fulfilling and purposeful life anymore. I had no one to talk to, which led me to my own soul searching and thousands of hours of personal development, training and healing.

Let's TALK about what matters, the truth of who we and how we live are things we just keep weekends and our personal time to explore.

Themes & topics

Curious about the relevance, practicality, or pragmatic meaning of spiritually awakening? I love speaking to the themes of grounded spirituality, laws of the universe, energy training, the spiritual nature of life, feminine and cyclic wisdom, working with spirit allies, practical intuition, and modern day shamanism and healing.



Katara Sky is an Intuitive Healer, Channel & Cosmic Weaver, she is Mother to a Dragon and a Soul Guide. Her mission is to help guide conscious, purpose-seeking people to explore their Soul Stories to Re-Member their Creator selves so that embody a life of joy, fulfilment and purpose. Empowering hundreds of people across a worldwide community in her immersive workshops, coaching and online courses, Katara helps people live a soul-centric life with more connection in all their relations.


Katara’s trained in multiple disciplines including yoga, hypnotherapy, reiki, shamanism & energy healing, qigong and counselling. Her background is 10+ years of corporate experience across North America, Europe and the Middle East.

As a truth seeker, Katara relishes in the infinite realms of possibility and potential. Her vision is for humanity to be on the highest destiny path of love and take each of us taking our sacred place of belonging within the whole.


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